CB2+ Full Spectrum Hemp Extract 2000mg

(1 customer review)


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CB2+ Full Spectrum Hemp Extract 2000mg

Our bodies have a vast network of receptors, called the Endocannabinoid system (ECS). The purpose of the ECS is to help us stay balanced, even when challenged by stress, fatigue, injuries, and more. CBD oil and other cannabinoids fit into these receptors in the ECS.

May Assist with pain, anxiety, migraines, joint pain, arthritis, insomnia, stress, inflammation etc.

  •  2000mg of active ingredients in 50ml bottle
  • 50ml dropper bottle 
  • 40mg per 1ml

All-natural with no additives or preservatives.

Ingredients: Whole Plant Extract & MCT Coconut Oil

“MCT” stands for medium-chain triglyceride, a type of fat found in a variety of different foods. MCT oil is most naturally abundant in coconut oil.

Due to their shortened structure, medium-chain triglycerides are easier for your body to uptake and transform into the healthy fats it needs to thrive. Increasing levels of medium-chain triglycerides in your body by taking MCT oil is believed to have a variety of impressive benefits.

Store in a cool dry place out of sunlight.

Recommended Usage:

Starting Dosage:   8 drops in the morning & 8 drops in the evening, under the tongue (Please note this amount can vary for individuals)

 Keep the oil under your tongue for 90 seconds or longer before swallowing.

Assess how you feel after one week of use and if required increase dosage.

1 review for CB2+ Full Spectrum Hemp Extract 2000mg

  1. Roger

    I’ve tried many other suppliers, here and overseas, and never found better quality or better prices. There is no end to the uses for this oil, orally, or topically.
    Anxiety, eczema, arthritis, etc. I have used it topically multiple times to cure ring worm (in days, not weeks) and alleviate painful eczema flairs, and even stop epileptic seizures in their tracks in my pet Labrador with a few drops rubbed into his gums. This oil returned my sons quality of life to normal while suffering from Crohn’s disease, allowing us to reduce his medication requirements.
    Highly recommended for all and any ailments.

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